Golden Pothos Care


Epipremnum aureum

Medium to bright indirect light. Will tolerate lower light.
Allow top 1-2”of soil to dry before watering


I don’t know about you, but I have noticed that most people can recognize a Pothos plant. Used in so many different applications, some people may find them ordinary, but I am here to tell you that these plants are super stars and deserve lots of love! They are a classic and well loved houseplant and there is plenty of good reason for that. Golden Pothos is a fantastic plant for beginners as it is easy to care for and easy to propagate. They tolerate low, medium, and bright indirect light and do not need to stay moist to thrive. What else could you ask for? In addition, Golden Pothos is just one of many varieties of pothos plants, so you can start a whole collection of these easy care plants and they each have their own unique leaf shape, color and texture.

“Golden Pothos is a fantastic plant for beginners as it is easy to care for and easy to propagate.”

Golden Pothos is a plant that develops vine-like tendrils so they are great for hanging baskets or in plant stands. If you’ve ever seen someone have a vining plant tacked up around the walls of their bedroom or office, you can be sure it is probably a Golden Pothos. They seem to always be putting out new growth. You may notice a yellow leaf or two at times, and that is totally normal. Feel free to snap yellowing leaves off so your plant can concentrate on new growth. Golden Pothos wins the award for easy care! 


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