Plant Lighting Explained

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Direct Light? Indirect Light?
What exactly does that mean?

Your new plant is home! Now where to put it…?
While you may be tempted to place it anywhere you please, knowing what type of lighting it will thrive under will help you and your plant enjoy many years together.

We’re breaking down the most common lighting conditions, so you can find the perfect spots for your plant friends to bask in the sunshine!

Direct Light - the light that comes in through west or southern-facing windows, the most intense light for your indoors and will expose plants here directly to the sun's rays. (Works for: cactus and succulents)

Bright Indirect Light - this light does not hit the plant leaves directly, but provides an overall brightness. Bright indirect light is near a window or door that provides light most of the day.  Works for: all plants living indoors would be happy here.

Medium Light - the spots in a room that are half the distance between a window and back wall. Still plenty bright, but nowhere near direct. Works for: palms, dracaenas, philodendrons.

Low Light - areas that are 7ft or more from windows, or places that have no natural light. Certain plant species are adaptable and can live here, but will grow much slower. If your plant starts to look sad, consider moving it to medium light.

Artificial Light - indoor, full-spectrum lights can imitate the sun and work wonders for low light areas. 

Want to learn more about ideal lighting conditions? Check out our guide to Growing Your Green Thumb Indoors.

You can do it!


Spider Plant Care