ZZ Plant Care


Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Medium to bright indirect light. Will tolerate lower light. 
Allow soil to dry before watering


Though the botanical name may sound complicated, these plants are far from it. Tolerant of low light, and happy for the first few inches of soil to dry out between waterings, ZZ Plants give you that jungle vibe with easy care. Dark green glossy leaves spiral upwards and start to lean into a fountain shape as they mature, giving them an elegant, solid aesthetic. Make sure your ZZ plant has proper drainage holes in its container, and these plants are easy to please. Bright, indirect light is best for these plants, but they are a great solution for an interior office or place with lower light surroundings.

“Dark green glossy leaves spiral upwards and start to lean into a fountain shape as they mature, giving them an elegant, solid aesthetic.”


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